Sunday, July 6, 2014


本生华人却不说华语不感到羞耻吗? 本都是黄皮却欺凌自己的同胞,以为自己会三俩英语就对待不识英语的人吗? 如此的行为只会导致侮辱自己国家的名声。

Sunday, January 19, 2014


摇滚女歌王,罗琦拿下这期的第二。身怀着宝宝唱了这首《Knocking on Heaven's Door》还真不简单。
虽然曹格在本季第二期被淘汰,但他的《Greatest Love of All》赢得了全场的呼掌声。真希望可以在复活赛看到他。

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

3 apples were changed the world.
First, Eva ate an apple;
Second, an apple dropped on Newton's head;
and lastly, Steve Jobs built Apple.

"No one wants to die. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it."

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., who introduced simple, well-designed computers for people who were more interested in what technology could do rather than how it was done, died Wednesday at age 56.

In April Steve Jobs seemed frail sparking speculation he may resign. In a brief statement, Apple announced the death but did not say where he died. Steve suffered from a rare form of pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant in 2009, and he stepped down as Apple’s chief executive on Aug. 24.

Jobs has battled a less common variety that grows far more slowly and develops in the hormone-secreting section of the pancreas, according to USA Today. Although diagnosed in 2003, his illness was not disclosed until the following year, after he'd had surgery.

The Star Online: Nation